July Tips

The best way to encourage petunias, cosmos, tagetes and other summer-bedding plants to flower over a long period is to dead-head them weekly and feed them twice a week with a high-potash tomato fertiliser. Potassium speeds blossom formation and helps plants resist adverse conditions.
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Summer Tips

May Sow wallflowers, double daisies, sweet Williams and other biennials on a nursery bed. Transplant them in October where you want them to flower.   June Lawns are wonderful wildlife habitats. Leave them longer than usual before cutting to encourage beneficial insects.
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April Tips

Divide large and congested clumps of perennial border plants before new shoots lengthen and are easily broken.
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March Tips

Divide large and congested clumps of perennial border plants before new shoots lengthen and are easily broken.
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Congratulations to Jack Salway

Our Guild member and lecturer, Jack Salway, was the winner of a special award from the judges of the HortAid-20 Gardening Competition held in the summer. The competition was supported by Sutton’s and a panel of well-known judges, kick started Perennial’s emergency COVID-19 appeal. Perennial was the Guild’s nominated charity for this year. The judging […]
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The Joy of Daffodils

When I first joined the Horticultural Society I popped into the Spring Show as I was passing. When I saw the flowers I thought to myself “I have daffodils at home, maybe I could exhibit some next year”.     So the following Spring I duly went round the garden collecting my blooms, taking a […]
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2016 | Vale End – A Surrey Gem

A warm, sunny evening in June found 20 Guild members enjoying John and Daphne Foulsham’s beautiful garden at Vale End, Albury, Surrey. Flanked on one side by a romantic mill pond – more a lake – and steep tree-clad slopes leading to Newlands Corner, its beds, borders, fruit garden and potager held us spellbound.   […]
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Two of the Guild’s committee, John Negus and Geoff Peach are regular contributors to the programme DigIt which airs on Sunday mornings between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on BBC Surrey & BBC Sussex. They take questions, live on air, on all matters horticultural, who can phone the radio station or email or even text […]
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